Haa Kusteeyí

The Face of Mother Earth on the totem at Sitka's Totem Park.
The pole was carved by Tommy Joseph.
Haa Kusteeyí

Whorls record time in wind and rain, a battle in Shis'kí Noow. In the carving shed, a hand grips an adze, copper paint beneath fingernails. Children, this is you, woodchips at your feet, cedar shavings adorning your hair. You are joints, ovoids, fins, and feathers. You are carved story.

*This 50 word prose poem was featured in a Pecha Kucha in Whangarei New Zealand. (Pecha Kucha is an evening of presentations consisting of 20 slides, 20 seconds each. For the September 20 show, the organisers are putting together a story of one day around the world: August 18, 2012) Here was the assignment:  Take a photo at any point during the day or night of August 18 – from 00:00 until 23:59.


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