Tlingit Introduction according to protocol:
Átk’aheen yoo xat duwasáakw ku.aa Dleit Káa X’éináx Vivian Faith Prescott. Yéil naa ka T’akdéintaanx xat sitee. Tax’ Hítyoo duwasáakw haa naa kahídi. Sáami ka Suomalaiset yádi áyá xat. Howie Martindale yoo duwasáakw ax xúx. Mitchell Prescott áwé ax éesh sáayi, ka Lorna Woods áwé ax tláa. Ax léelk’w has áwé Binkley ka Amundsen. Kaachxana.áak'wx' áwé xat koowdzitee, ka Sheet’káx’ yei xat yatee yeedát. Gunalchéesh.
My Tlingit nickname is Átk’aheen, and my English name is Vivian Faith Prescott. My family and I belong to the T’akdeintaan clan, and our clan house is called the Snail House. I am a child of the Sáami and Suomalainen. My husband's name is Howie Martindale. My father's name is Mitchell Prescott and my mother's is Lorna Woods. My grandparents are the Binkleys and the Amundsens. I was born in Wrangell, Alaska, and now reside in Sitka, Alaska. Thank-you.
My Tlingit nickname is Átk’aheen, and my English name is Vivian Faith Prescott. My family and I belong to the T’akdeintaan clan, and our clan house is called the Snail House. I am a child of the Sáami and Suomalainen. My husband's name is Howie Martindale. My father's name is Mitchell Prescott and my mother's is Lorna Woods. My grandparents are the Binkleys and the Amundsens. I was born in Wrangell, Alaska, and now reside in Sitka, Alaska. Thank-you.